CSS -> { Tailwind CSS, Bootstrap, SASS }
JavaScript -> { Svelte -> { SvelteKit }, React -> { Next.js }, Three.js -> { React Three Fiber, Threlte }, lil-gui, GSAP, jQuery }
CSS -> { Tailwind CSS, Bootstrap, SASS }
JavaScript -> { Svelte -> { SvelteKit }, React -> { Next.js }, Three.js -> { React Three Fiber, Threlte }, lil-gui, GSAP, jQuery }
Being part of ForeverClassicGames, I made one of my gaming pieces a reference on the Bootleg Games Wiki.
As a community manager for the team Persis Play and part of the game Fatherhood, I learned many valuable lessons.
After that, I joined Mega Cat as a freelancer to create gaming content for their blog.
And right now, I talk about video games on Medium.
As a contributor, I translated a fan project titled Metal Gear Timeline by Alex Camilleri, into Persian.
Then, I released a complete fan translation of the game Ninja Gaiden (NES) in my language. You can read the full story of this unofficial localization as well.
Finally, I ran a fan project titled REdocs to translate all the documents of each Resident Evil title into Persian.